Becoming a Connected Technology Leader Starts with a Kettering IoT Program
智能城市. 智能建筑. 聪明的手表. 智能手机. None of these innovations would be possible without the 物联网 (IoT).
物联网用来完成什么? 当智能设备通过互联网通信时, they can do everything from monitor and report on traffic patterns to provide data that reduces production time on a manufacturing line.
今天, 14.40多亿台设备 连接到全球的互联网. 到2025年,这一数字预计将增加到270亿.
This ever-expanding field creates new career options for skilled engineers and technology professionals. 如果你对未来的科技感兴趣, 那么凯特林物联网项目就是一个很好的开始.
The 物联网 is a collective network of smart devices that connect to the internet — and to each other. 这种连接使它们能够捕获和共享数据, 从任何位置进行控制并自动执行任务.
以智能冰箱为例. 它使用了一组传感器, cameras and artificial intelligence to detect the types of items stored inside and track their usage levels and expiration dates.
通过互联网, the appliance connects to your smartphone — no matter where you are — to share these updates and notify you when filters need to be changed, the temperature gets too warm or something blocks air circulation.
As innovations like augmented reality and artificial intelligence integrate with IoT, 智能设备在未来将能够做更多的事情, 比如从过去的决定中学习.
对引导物联网产业发挥至关重要的作用. 物联网影响着各行各业, from automotive and agriculture to law enforcement and health care. 这种程度的普遍性, an IoT degree program prepares you to apply innovative technology in almost any type of organization.
物联网技术的好坏取决于构建它的人. Savvy engineering pros create the applications that allow smart devices to function, 围绕物联网平台制定战略, identify new problems that can be solved through IoT and help businesses integrate technology for better decision making. IOT degree programs help shape how the IoT industry looks now — and in the future.
随着新技术的进步,世界需要值得信任的专家. 你一毕业就会很抢手. Become an advisor who helps realize the benefits IoT can bring instead of wondering, “What is IoT?作为相互联系的社区, 智能建筑和自动化家庭成为常态, the world will need more engineering professionals to help people understand how to securely apply IoT.
By 2025, according to Statista, the 物联网 industry will be worth nearly $1.6万亿年. An industry growing this fast — and making this much of an impact — offers engineering professionals brand new opportunities. 许多物联网工作等待着凯特林受过训练的专家.
Different organizations face different challenges they need to address with IoT. 作为物联网解决方案工程师, you’ll work closely with consumers and businesses and take a hands-on approach to design an IoT solution that solves their problems — whether they want to conserve more energy or monitor patient health conditions from home.
Lead the development of an organization’s IoT strategy and help define and create unique end-to-end IoT solutions. You’ll play an instrumental role in developing the final architecture — everything from data collection processes to hardware and software — and standardize processes as the organization continues to deploy IoT solutions.
Industrial and electrical engineers design IoT hardware — one of the most important components of 物联网 — and how users interact with it. Create dashboards and other interfaces to analyze the data collected from IoT systems and add levels of control to smart devices.
At Kettering, you’ll discover a wide variety of degree paths that lead to a career in IoT. 浏览我们的本科工程学位和课程.
正规的赌博app offers specialized engineering degrees at the graduate level that can help you build a future in IoT.
Kettering’s 人工智能 of Things (AIoT) Laboratory is where you’ll conduct world-class research. See first-hand how IoT devices support automation and smarter decision making in every industry to make life healthier, 更聪明,更好.
Our combined engineering programs let you work toward your bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the same time so you can graduate from an IoT program faster — with less student debt — and start applying your skills where they’re needed most.
Graduate with 物联网 industry work experience employers are looking for. Our co-op education learning model lets undergraduates earn an engineering degree while alternating between the classroom and full-time employment. 支付, real-world experience lets you apply what you learn while you earn your engineering degree in an IoT program.
Request information about the IoT degree that interests you or apply to a Kettering IoT program today.